今年九月,由美国速滑协会组织的2024-25年度全美短道速滑锦标赛暨ISU国际滑冰联盟短道速滑青年世界杯选拔赛在犹他州盐湖城的奥林匹克滑冰中心举行。经过9月20-22日三天六个单项的激烈角逐,最终全美共5男5女成功获得今年十一月即将在意大利博米奥举行的青年世界杯入场券。其中,由王洪洋教练和高鸣教练执教的密尔沃基Pinnacle Speedskating Program共4名男队员2名女队员入选,在与全美各地优秀短道速滑队伍的比拼中独占鳌头。
此次入选的本地华裔小将Andrea Cao, Brandon Liao, Aidan Liu即将携手另外三位队友代表美国出征意大利, 成为美国短道速滑青年运动员中的杰出代表, 在最美好的青春年华代表国家为梦想而战!

Andrea Cao
现就读于Brookfield East High School十二年级。她与冰上运动结缘于花滑,2018年得知王教练入驻密城,开始随其练习短道速滑。6年中带着执着与热爱,不仅站在了全美年龄组锦标赛的领奖台上,并且连续两年入选青年世界杯美国代表队。十一月将与队友Eliza Rhodehamel一同参赛。

“In retrospect, I feel so blessed to have partaken in the journey to the Junior World Cup. I have the greatest coach, Hongyang Wang and a marvelous supporting team. My coach helped my transition from figure skating to short track and guided me throughout my speedskating journey. I really enjoy racing on ice. The desire to get on the podium and the opportunities to race internationally motivated me to practice every day. During the Junior World Cup qualifier, I told myself to fight for every chance to make it to Italy. Besides, I learned to manage my time. I could balance well for school courses, club activities, and volunteer sessions after the intense training. I would appreciate my family for supporting my Olympic dream for years and look forward to the 2025 Winter Olympic Trial”. – Andrea Cao
Brandon Liao
现就读于Homestead High School十一年级。8岁多开始练习冰球,2017年底因缘结识王洪洋教练后,有幸成为王教练的首位弟子。曾多次登上全国年龄组短道速滑的领奖台,去年首次代表美国参加青年世界杯即表现不俗。今年入选U.S. National Development Team并再次入选青年世界杯,将与另外三名队友Jonathan Derheimer,Wesley Jones 和 Aidan Liu携手征战意大利。

“I’m incredibly grateful to my parents, who not only introduced me to short track speed skating but also connected me with Coach Hongyang Wang. Their constant support has meant everything to me. I also want to thank my coach, who believed in me from day one. It’s amazing to see how far the Pinnacle Speedskating Program has come. It started with just me, and now we have more than 40 skaters. I must tell you that short track speed skating may seem like an individual sport, but it’s really all about the team. My teammates are incredible—we push each other, learn together, and their support has been key to my progress and success. My success is really the result of everyone’s dedication—my teammates, the volunteers, parents, and coaching staff, who make all of this possible. I’m proud to represent them”. – Brandon Liao
Aidan Liu
现就读于Brookfield Central High School十一年级。6岁左右开始在新泽西州接触速滑,为了与哥哥Aaron Liu (现就读哥伦比亚大学) 一起实现更高的竞技目标,继续追逐速滑梦想,于2020年举家搬迁至密尔沃基追随王洪洋教练。2022-2024年蝉联三届全美年龄组锦标赛冠军。今年入选U.S. National Development Team及青年世界杯美国代表队。

“The Junior World Cup is a stepping stone to future senior-level international competitions, and this opportunity is a monumental milestone for me. As a student-athlete, balancing the demands of schoolwork and elite-level training is challenging, but it’s achievable with proactive planning, execution, and time management. Making the US Speedskating Short Track Junior World Cup team, along with my five teammates, is a huge honor. I’m excited to represent my country on this stage, and I’m determined to push myself even further as I work toward my ultimate goal of competing at the highest level of the sport. I’m incredibly grateful to my coach, teammates, the Pinnacle Speedskating Program, my parents, and everyone who has supported me throughout this journey”. – Aidan Liu
所有照片由Pinnacle Speedskating Program提供