4.7 C
Friday, March 14, 2025
博客 页面 40
又是一年芳草绿,春风十里喜讯传。阳光明媚的五月,从远在北卡的杜克医学院传来喜讯,Robert Qi 从杜克医学院毕业,如期获得医学博士学位,并 成功地match到杜克医学院,成为一名泌尿外科住院医生。
The Rock ‘n Sole run has been an annual half-marathon/quarter-marathon/5k that has gone on for seven years. It is a test for the strength and endurance of a person and is a way for a person to grow. Thousands of people, men and women alike, took this challenge on the morning of June 10, 2017, and proved their capabilities.
2017年6月7日傍晚, 麦迪逊(UW-Madison)梦到他(Lake Mendota)湖畔, 晚霞绚烂,湖面波光粼粼,映照夕阳,如梦如幻。比起往日的湖畔,今天有些不同寻常。此时聚集了很多人, 追思七天前在此湖上失去生命的陈昱博士。
The 2017 Wisconsin Youth Piano Competitions has kicked off on June 16, 2017 at the Wisconsin Conservatory of Music.  
在任职密城华人社区董事会主席五年后, 万一博士于2017年4月9日经董事会同意卸任. 万一参与社区领导组织工作始于2010 年, 当时是密城华人社区主办的中国文化节的组委会成员,为2011年华人社区在湖边艺术馆文化节的成功举办做出了重大贡献。
2017年4月9日, 经密城华人社区董事会批准, 孙建国先生当选为董事会主席.
密尔沃基市是美国中西部威斯康星州最大的城市,华人大约两万余人。二战时期,人口只有300余人的密尔沃基华人社区为中国抗日战争募资仅次于华人密集的旧金山市。二十世纪80年代中期起,大批的中国大陆留学生定居, 成为密尔沃基地区新一代有知识的华人移民。
This year, the Milwaukee Chinese Community Center (MCCC)  annual College Prep Seminar was hosted on Sunday, May 21st. Four high school seniors and one college freshman attended to share their experiences and their advice for the application process. Summaries are included below for your perusal; a full video of the seminar can be found at https://www.facebook.com/groups/1277421599042917/. Congratulations to these students...
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